Thursday, April 14, 2011

I'm Back!

Hey there world! I know all you loyal followers have been anxiously awaiting the next installment of Monsieur Eric James Barger's blog, so consider yourself lucky! There were many that I was thinking about posting, but I decided that maybe I should save my readers from having to read them. Here are a few titles of blogs I was going to post, but wisely decided not to.

Rectal bleeding

Top 10 reasons why I'm considering becoming a door-to-door potato salesman

The story of Poopy McTamponface

Top 20 places to shave your eyebrows

Chicken nuggets in my pillowcase

Man, I am tirl;alkejfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff (I fell asleep on the keyboard while writing this one)

Why you should replace water with vinegar in your diet

Clearly, these would not have made good blogs. So the point is, I haven't had any good ideas for blogs lately. Honestly, I didn't have a good idea for this blog either, but I have homework to do. Procrastination is often the best inspiration. For instance, once I was working on accounting homework, and I had the amazing inspiration to stop working on my homework. And you know what, thanks to that moment of inspiration, I wound up blowing off my homework and watching 30 Rock all night. So I think you get my point.

Seriously, I am the worst focuser ever. If it's for a class, I can't focus on it. Seriously, I was reading this article that said "We only retain about 25% of..." and I don't really remember the rest. But I remember reading it and thinking "Man, I wish there was a chipotle in Santa Cruz." It really hit home for me.

I don't even know what I'm saying anymore. If you read this whole thing, I love you. If you skipped to the end, then that was stupid, because the end isn't funny. So stop reading.