Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Things I learned from doing community service

Normal guys commit crimes.

Hot girls commit crimes too.

Really, really weird people commit crimes too.

Dancing does not count as community service, unless everybody around you is drunk.

You look busy if you are standing up. If you are sitting down, people assume that you are not doing anything, and will ask you for stuff. However, the instant you stand up, people assume you are standing for a reason.

People who work at the Museum of Art and History don't think Stephen Hawking impressions are funny.

People who work at the Museum of Art and History do not enjoy being referred to as "crazy lady."

People who work at the Museum of Art and History know how to party.

If you are a man working on a project, never ever utter the phrase "just the way daddy likes it," as you hammer a nail into wood. It's just creepy.

Apparently me saying "I just needed to stretch" is worth about 5 minutes of laughter to some people.

Old people like to be just as crude and inappropriate as us youngsters. Case in point: I was dancing, and backing up as if there was somebody grinding on me. I said, "I really need somebody behind me to do this," and a 60 year old woman said, "That's what she said!" I literally collapsed onto a chair laughing.

Any drink looks like Pepsi, when simply placed into a Pepsi can.

Old people tend to take a single sip of their drinks, and then leave them unattended. Enjoy, underage volunteers!

Nobody really gives a crap.

Palm trees are really heavy. If you ever have an opportunity to carry a palm tree, don't take it.

Getting stabbed in the chest by wire statues really hurts.

Moroccan food is amazing.

Moroccan food is amazing.


Complaining about how tired you are is always a good conversation starter. It's also a good way to get people to tell you to shut up.

Parking enforcement officers actually do care if you stay in the 3-hour spot longer than 3 hours.

No matter where you do it, community service sucks.

Don't do community service. Just kidding. But seriously. Don't.

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